On lesson, children use the knowledge gained in the process of learning to crochet.



The image of the master of the Hook; ball of yarn; knitting diagrams; articles regarding children.


The preparation for the lesson.

The design of the exhibition of children's works made over the two years.


The lesson

Master Hook invites to the exhibition of works from the Magical land of Knitting. But to get to the exhibition, it is necessary to answer all the questions the Ball of yarn that lost the grandmother of the seamstress.


Ask the children:
• Tell:
• what is the main tool in the Magical land of Knitting (hook);
• what other tools will be useful for knitting toys (needle, scissors);
• what is the material for knitting (yarn);
• what is yarn (thick, thin, different colors);
• what are the loops fit in the chain (from the air);
• what is the loop that connects the chain in the ring (polytypic);
• what kind of loop is denoted in the diagram by a line (a column without nakida);
• what can be represented in an application by using linked loops;
• what toys can be made from a circular knitted detail.
• Consider the toys and remember how to perform some of them.
• Find the favorite toy.
• Come up with short stories using crafts presented at the exhibition.


In summing up, note that the journey through the Magical land of Knitting lasted long. The children worked hard, tried their best, so I learned a lot of new and interesting things, learned a lot.

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