On lesson, children learn to knit round items, using them to complete the application image sea creatures, crab, jellyfish, octopus, fish.



Mural "underwater Kingdom" made in a previous lesson; the scheme of knitting round parts; cut from thick colored paper contour image of the inhabitants of the sea; yarn of different color, hook.


Preparation for work.

Remember to talk with the children about the sea creatures, cut paper silhouettes of fish, jellyfish, octopus.


Lesson 64. Sea creatures


The lesson

Make the children a riddle about the fish.

Little skotinku
One hundred silver coins on the back.


Ask the children:

• To consider the scheme of knitting circle and specify:
• how to tie the round part (to associate a chain of air loops, close them in the ring, then knit circle of columns without nakida, promazyvaya one and two column);
• how to determine the size of the part (attach to the template the image of the fish).
• Connect the round part.
• Glue the parts related to the contour image one of the inhabitants of the sea, resting under a round piece of cotton wool.
• The products can be glued on the basis of the mural "sea creatures".


The analysis invite the children to invent a story or tale about the inhabitants of the sea.

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