In class children continue to learn to knit round items, perform application image tracks. Working collectively, every child knits one circle, of which then, on the basis of cardboard is glued to a picture of a caterpillar.


Illustration or drawing of a caterpillar; diagram knitting circle, a cardboard base in the form of a contour image of a caterpillar; round templates for each part; yarn green; hook.


Preparation for work.

Conducted didactic game of "Who can fly, who crawls?", in which specified knowledge about insects.


Lesson 57. Cheerful caterpillar (Collective work)  Lesson 57. Cheerful caterpillar (Collective work)


The lesson

Make a riddle about a caterpillar.

Ask the children:
• Consider the picture and tell:
• what parts of caterpillar (head and torso);
• what is the shape of the head and parts of the body (round).
• To consider the scheme and to recall how to knit a circle:
• how much air loops in the chain, closed circle;
• how often promazyvaetsya double columns without nakida (after one loop).
• Tie one circle, the size of the part determined by applying it to a circle (template 3 cm in diameter). If in the process of knitting the edge of the round part starts to SAG, a circle of knitting should be performed without double loops, a column without nakida.


In the course of analysis related to stick children on the basis of circles, each circle to enclose a piece of cotton wool or other material for stuffing. Admire how pretty it is, it's been a fun caterpillar! Completed applications may be put on the flowery meadow, which was done before. Offer to come up with a story about who you may meet a caterpillar on the flower meadow.

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