On lesson, children practice the knit columns without nakida in a row, working with the scheme, learn to connect the two parts with a seam "over the edge".
Drawing and sample bags, the scheme of knitting, yarn, hook, needle with large eye.
Preparation for work.
Treat your children to a didactic game of "what bag?"
The lesson
Dolly is going to visit, she needed a dressy handbag. Children can associate, for her and for their dolls are beautiful handbags.
Ask the children:
• Consider the handbag and the answer is:
• what shape handbag (round);
• from what parts consists the handbag (two stitched between the circle and strap).
• Consider the pattern of the strap and define:
• what loops it is associated (air).
• To consider the scheme of knitting round the details of the purse and say:
• that it is necessary first to link (the chain and close it in the ring);
• how many loops in the chain (4 loops);
• what loops are marked with dashes (column without nakida);
• why are two lines drawn near (they vymazyvaja from one of the loops);
• how often the scheme drawn double loops (one single, second double, etc.).
• Connect the two circles with diameter of 4 cm.
• Stitch bag seam "over the edge" (contrasting color thread).
• To link a chain of air loops for the strap of her bag.
• Decorate a handbag knitted flowers or fringe.
In the analysis to choose the most beautiful purse and give her the doll.