In class children improve their skills of knitting according to the scheme, practice the short chain to the ring, get acquainted with the new element of knitting - the loop "column without nakida", its schematic representation, with a technique of knitting in a circle on the principle of "snail".



Doll made in the previous lesson; the samples and the scheme of knitting products; colored yarn, crochet hooks, scissors.


Preparation for work.

Cutting and coloring dolls and clothes for them out of paper.


Lesson 43-44. Skirt doll


The lesson

The kids came doll, she loves dressing up, she especially loves knitting, so she brought the children a different color yarn and asks to tie her skirt. To tie the skirt will help the schema and a sample.

Ask the children:
• Carefully consider the sample and think:
• the skirt differs from the previously associated the napkins (cloth skirts more dense, and of a napkin lace, with holes).
• Consider the pattern of the belt of the skirt and think:
• how much air loops in the chain-belt skirts (10 - 12 loops, the number defines the circumference of the waist of the doll and the thickness of the yarn).
• Connect the chain to the belt to close the chain into a ring.
• Consider the pattern of the skirt and hold a finger along the line of motion of knitting.
• Pay attention to the unfamiliar icons on the diagram - dash, to say that they represent the new kids loop. This loop is called a "column without nakida" to carry it out, it is necessary to introduce the hook into the first loop of the ring, pull the thread, to raise to hook yo and one reception to reach through both lying on the hook loop.


Lesson 43-44. Skirt doll


The chart shows that next to each of the loops on the ring there is one dash, and so for three turns - that is, in front of each loop there is one new loop", the column without nakida".
• Tie 3 coil loops, focusing on the point that indicates the beginning of the knitting.
• Note that after three turns on the snail sometimes there are two standing next to dash. This means that by associating a "column without nakida", it is necessary to log back into the loop where you started to knit the first column, and perform the second "column without nakida".
• Count:
• how many loops appear double loops (three - one loop, one double).
• Tie a cloth skirt to end.
• If desired, you can decorate the bottom of the skirt lace, linking a chain of air loops.


The analysis will thank the children on behalf of the pupae, which had a lot of dressy skirts.

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