The job provides an opportunity not only to exercise children in gluing chains on the basis of (the principle of "snails"), but also has a great influence on the development of imagination and creativity.


Lesson 33-34. Who hid in the glomerulus?



The basis for the application: one half of the album sheet; templates turtle, crab, fish, etc.; yarn, knitting hooks; colored paper, scissors, glue, brushes for glue, markers.


Preparation for work.

Invite the children to paint small parts to the circles or ovals, painted or pasted on a sheet of paper to make the image of different objects. The most interesting drawings become contents of this lesson.


 Lesson 33-34. Who hid in the glomerulus?


The lesson

Each child can represent any object, animal, or bird, which the children drew before class and base which are round or oval. Show the children the patterns made on the basis of these drawings.


Lesson 33-34. Who hid in the glomerulus?


Ask the children:
• To choose who they want to portray.
• Without naming the object, describe it so that the other children guessed who or what is depicted.
• On a sheet of paper to trace a template of the object, then cut around the template circle.
• Link chain.
• Glue the chain, completing the circle according to the principle of "snail".
• To finish the small details (eyes, claws on paws, etc.) or to paste, cut them from colored paper.


During the analysis, note which children are best tied chains, careful glued them to the circle, showed more imagination.

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