In class the children continue to practice knitting a chain of loops, used separately and associated loops in the application.



Samples of toys, decorated with knitted items, patterns toys, yarn for knitting with different colors; crochet hooks; scissors, glue, brush for glue; travel map logo - the circle with the image of Christmas toys.


Preparation for work.

Talk with the children about what decorate a Christmas tree, from which toys are made, where they can be purchased. Invite the children to make your own Christmas decorations: cut around on the white cardboard in the pattern of figures of animals, birds, Santa Claus, snow Maiden, etc. Cut out and color the figures.


Lesson 27. Christmas toys


The lesson
Show toy, decorated with crochet details.


Ask the children:
To think about and answer:
• the country in which the Christmas tree is decorated with these toys;
• how can I decorate kids made toys out of paper (tail foxes and squirrels, the beard of Santa Claus - loops, and the braid Maiden to paste a linked chain, etc.).
• Tie loops and chains.
• Decorate toys, gluing connected items on both sides.


Lesson 27. Christmas toys


The analysis will offer to choose the most beautiful toy that we could decorate the Christmas tree in the Magical land of Knitting, and think that you can draw the emblem of this stop in the Magical land of Knitting.

Note: the toy can be made of paper and decorated with crochet chain or a small number of loops.

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