In class the children continue to practice the knit chain of air loops, determining the length of the chain method of applying it to markup images in the background, do applique from paper details, okantovany or complementing parts of a knitted chains.


Map of travel; templates pictures of toys (ball, pyramid, top, tree, fish, house); white cardboard (quarter album sheet), colored paper; patterns; crochet hooks, thread; felt-tip pens, scissors, glue, brushes.


Preparation for work.

Guide a didactic game to the classification of "What is unnecessary?".



Lesson 19. Toy store


The lesson

In the Magical land of Knitting was a problem: an evil wizard has enchanted the shop fun toys, instead of toys on the shelves leaving only their traces in the form of colorless schemes. Disenchant them children, after completing the applique and stick on her knitted chain.


Ask the children:
• To guess riddles, to find out what toys were in the store.


Throw in a river - floats,
Beat the wall - not moaning.
Going to the ground to throw -
Will be up to blast off!


Me I ask how I work -
Around the axis of its circling!


This young women
hiding sister.
Each sister
for smaller dungeon.


Today, all rejoice!
In the hands of kids
Joy dance
air ... (balls).


• Consider the sample and say:
• what material is made of collage (coloured paper);
• what else is decorated with pictures of toys (crochet chain);
• where are the chains (along the edges and all the lines specified in the diagram).
• To recall how to work with the template.
• Cut around the template by putting it on the wrong side of the colored paper.
• Cut the image of the toy and glue on the base.
• To relate the chain length to determine when applying it to the diagram.
• Glue the chain to the base.


The analysis will draw the attention of children to what toys are bright, cheerful. Offer to talk about their favorite toy. Attach the circle emblem with the image of the ball on the travel map.

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