In class the children continue to practice the knit chain of air loops.



Picture dunno; books; different types of bookmarks (paper, ribbons, etc.); knitting hooks, colored thread, application pictures.


Preparation for work.

Show the children a bookmark, tell us how to use them when reading the book. Follow the short application symbols (car, boat, butterfly...) on the basis of colored cardboard.



Lesson 13. Bookmark


The lesson

Children dunno comes with a thick book in which there is a very interesting story, yesterday, he read it, and now can not find.


Ask the children:
• To think that it is possible to advise the dummy to him there is no recurrence of this trouble and he would always quickly find the tale in the book.

• To consider the different tabs and note:
• what parts of each tab (the tab and its tail);
• from what material they are made.


Lesson 13. Bookmark

• Make bookmarks, linking the tail with chains and bookmarks to use a previously completed application.
• To recall how to tie the chain. The length of the chain is determined by the child at will.
• Glue the associated chain to the bookmark.


In the analysis note, which turned out beautiful bookmark, invite the children to think about what book they will put their bookmark.

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