Keychain "Amanita"
Knitting start with the legs. Thread in white tie a chain of 3 loops lock into the ring. In the circumference of the ring link 4 column without nakida, lock the circle. In the next row in each loop tie, two column without nakida. Then knit without additions of columns of the leg height 3 cm Finished foot tamp the filler, tie another row, subtracting columns: 1 column without nakida, 1 miss. The thread is cut.
For hats red thread tie a chain of 4 loops, lock in the ring. Then knit in a circle the columns without nakida, adding every row has 2 columns. The addition of do in different places, so they were less noticeable.
1 row and 5 columns;
2 row — 7 columns;
3 row and 9 columns;
4 row 11 of columns;
5 row and 13 columns.
Starting from the sixth row, knit white thread and take away at the two columns in each row.
6 row 13 of columns;
7 row 11 of columns;
8 row 9 columns.
Tamp the filler cap, insert the leg and sew the hat to the leg. Spots on the hat embroider or sew beads.