Prepare small balls of colored yarn: blue, pink, white, of medium thickness; hook № 2,5; 4 buttons.
The torso, arms and legs of the pupa is composed of 40 small circles connected according to the diagram (figure 89 a), neck — rings, the associated diagram (figure 89 b).

Little circle, whose diameter should be 2 cm, do the following: tie a chain of 4 loops and lock it in the ring.
1 row — 6 columns without nakida in the circumference of the ring.
2nd row — in each loop of the previous row knit 1 column without nakida — 2 air loop — 1 column without nakida. Tail round, cut thread.
Under this scheme, link the 18 circles Burgundy thread, 14 — pink, 11 — white.
Large circles — 2 maroon and 1 white, whose diameter should be 3 cm, — do this: tie a chain of 4 loops, lock in the ring.
1 row — 6 columns without nakida in the circumference of the ring.
2nd row — in each loop of the previous row by 2 column without nakida — 12 bars.
3rd row — into each loop of the previous row knit 1 column without nakida — 2 air loop — 1 column without nakida.
Crochet head tie a chain of 4 loops, lock in the ring. Then knit in a circle:
1 row — 6 columns without nakida;
2 row 12 of columns without nakida;
3 row, 2 row, 12 columns;
4, 5, 6, 7 rows, 18 columns without nakida;
8 row — 2 column without nakida, column 1 miss — until the end of the row.
9 row — 1 column on each loop of the previous row.
10 and 12 row — as 8th row.
11 and 13 range — 9 range.
Stuff the head with cotton or polyester batting.
The thread is cut, pass the needle, gather the remaining loop and pull.
Knit beanie Burgundy thread. The first 7 rows — like head. In the 8th row add 2 column and knit another 10 rows without additions, and bauleni — lapel cap.
Assembly. Sew to the head, the eyes and nose of black buttons, buttons, beads. Embroider mouth.

Pass the needle large thread and string on it 9 related circles for the legs, alternating them by color: red, pink, Burgundy, white, pink, Burgundy, white, pink, Burgundy. Slide the thread into the button (a large plastic or wood in the form of a barrel) and again in the same circles. Collect the circles of the second leg. For hands take 8 rounds, starting with pink, string them on a thread. Now connect the ends of the threads, which hold the slices of the legs, and thread them into the 6 circles of the trunk colors: pink, white, Burgundy — 2 times. Connect together the ends of the threads from the torso and arms, put them in a 3 big circle neck: black, white, Burgundy. Tie in a knot all the ends and sew to head. By the end of the hat sew a metal ball or a bell. Hat secure on the head.
Thread colors doll you can pick up other (blue, grey, white or purple, violet, white, etc.) and when you build alternate them in different ways. And to get the beautiful, first draw a few dolls on paper, paint, selecting colors, and then the picture start knitting.
Circles for the torso, arms and legs can only knit columns without nakida, not promazyvaya in the last row of the stitches.

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