And with this exciting company can put serial play and enjoy yourself and friends fun performance. But first, we need to work hard.
You will need: knitted gloves brown color; black and red woolen thread; scissors; needle; wool; wooden spoon; 6 small metal rings.
If there is no extra gloves, try to tie them to the four spokes of the circle.
For the formation of the Indian heads, roll of cotton 10 tight balls with a diameter of 2 cm, put them on the handle end of a wooden spoon (figure 101 a) and push all the way into each finger of the glove. For the formation of the heads cover the fingers gloves several times a strong thread under a cotton ball (figure 101 b).
On each head, do the hair, but they have to be different. Pass the black thread in the needle and sew to the top of the head, forming large loops (figure 102). Loops you can sew a lot or a little, to make them more or less often.
And here's another option - hair bow. 7 black cut threads with a length of 10 cm Each vdevice thread in the needle and stretch the head (figure 102 b). Now collect all the strings in a bundle and tie a red thread bow (figure 103).
Think of your hair!
Face embroider only the eyes and mouth. Eyes - black thread cross stitch (picture 103 b), and wide mouth - red thread seam "back needle" (figure 103).
Three little Indians make earrings - sew small metal rings.