Size: 18/20
- 50 g green, orange or red Baby Micro yarn (46% wool, 46% polyacryl, 8% acetate, 87,5 m/25g);
- sets hosiery needles №3,5 and number 4.
Gum: alternately 2 facial, 2 purl.
The front surface of: facial series - facial loops, purl rows - purl loops; in circular rows knit only the front loops.
The reverse surface of: facial series - back loops, purl rows - facial loops; in circular rows knit only, purl loops.
Knit density: 25 stitches and 36 rows = 10 x 10 cm
Execution of work:
on the spokes № 3,5 dial 36 loops and knit elastic circular 24 series. Perform 1 row with holes: * 2 stitches together front, 1 yo, repeat from *. In the next row, all stitches and knit nakida the front surface. Go to the spokes № 4, link another 2 rows front stitch, then the second spokes put 3 stitches on the first needle, and knitting needles 3 stitches on the fourth needle = 12 eyelets on the first and the fourth knitting needle and 6 stitches on the second needle. Loops the first and third spokes set aside. 12 eyelets on the second and fourth knitting needles to knit the upper part of the booties 13 rows front stitch, after the both sides along the edge of the upper part of the dial for 10 loops and spread the loops so that the loops 12 of the upper part of the bootees were on 1 needle, each needle on either side of them - to 16 loops on the needle on the back side of the booties was again 12 stitches.
Tie 3 of the circular row of the front surface, so that in the first row, newly formed stitches of the front provarite screw. Then knit 3 rows purl stitch, 4 rows front stitch and 3 rows of purl stitch. Sole to the end to knit the front stitch, so that the front and back of booties in each row 4 times and on both sides of each second circular row 2 times, run the wire to the eyelet off the front, 1 front and pull it through the removed loop. At the end of each spoke provarite the last 2 stitches together front. After bavleny in the next row spread on the side spokes 2 loops front and rear spokes, then 1 the loop from the left-side spokes sew together knitted stitch with 1 eyelet on the right side spokes.
Second associate's booty in a similar way. Twist cord with a length of 40 cm and pull through row with holes. Remove the half shaft out. Knitting bootees finished.