Class :2


- To teach children to harmoniously fill the image space of the sheet to transfer the color characteristics of nature;

- To develop visual perception;

- To foster a love of plant life..

Visual range: Zoltak “ Bells forest” Rollers “ Flowers”,

Equipment of the lesson: white paper, gouache, brushes, rags, jars for water.

Lesson plan:

1.Organizational moment.

2.Talk about the features of construction and colors of spring flowers. The sequence of the drawing.

3.Independent work of students. Sketch from nature or presentation of the spring flowers.

4.Exhibition of works. Analysis and evaluation of art creativity of pupils.

5.Summing up the lesson.

The lesson:

1.To check availability of students in the classroom, prepare the workplace and materials.

2.Conversation: Conversation: outside the window the snow melts in the forest appeared first spring flowers. On my Desk in a vase, too, are flowers. Is Lily of the valley and the sleep - grass. And the pictures you see many other colors. Let's take a closer look at them and think , how do they differ from each other ( responses guys). That's right, they are all different shapes, different sizes, different colors. To paint flowers, what colors can we use? Yes, you called bright, beautiful colors. But let's see what our delicate flowers. How to get out red – pink blue – blue. Now we will add all our colors the white paint and get a soft spring shades. Considering the works of art of different artists, as well as cards with images of flowers , analyzed their form and structure.

On the Board draw a sequence picture.

3.Independent work .

4. Exhibition of works, Reflection.

5. Summing up the lesson.

Teaching pattern: app

Literature: N. M. Sokolnikov . Visual art and methods of teaching in elementary school. M. Publishing center of the Academy .1999.

V. S. Kuzin. Methods of teaching art 1-3классе. M. Education. 1979.

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