It is frequently used between 2 others using hemstitch for tightening the columns. In addition, it is decorated with edge or other using hemstitch is used to trim the ACC products. "Punk" can be performed as white bobbin thread, and colored thread embroidery thread. In this case it looks especially interesting.
2 sides frayed prodavnice 5-7 threads. In the middle of the Express 2-5 threads. They are going to perform a "punk". 2 sides frayed, do the tassels, and the thread should pull hard enough, then hemstitch work fine. Secure the thread at the beginning of the frayed threads on nevidannyh and print on the front side. Run a stitch from the bottom up and obviate working thread the remaining threads of the fabric. Then on the wrong side, make a diagonal stitch to the right and down and withdraw the needle in 4-5 threads of cloth from the 1st stitch on the front side. Go back to the beginning stitch and make a diagonal stitch up, tightening them to lower the brush. On the wrong side of the 2nd diagonal stitches must entwine remaining nevidannye thread.
On the front side should be obtained only straight stitches on the wrong side of diagonal stitches in the form of crosses. If "punk" is performed as the edge of a wide using hemstitch, the brush should pull the 2 sides to get the columns (Fig. 48).
Figure 48. Merezhka "punk"
Hemstitch — a fairly simple "polotnyanko", but very elegant. The air loop it brings together 4 of the column 2 from both sides.
Pull thread in the middle of the heirloom for the wide middle part. With 2 sides leave 3 threads and pull another 2 threads on both sides. You should have a broad hemstitch, and on its sides, top and bottom — 2 strips with nevidannye threads. Make the columns at the top
and lower parts of heirloom. The threads you pull together in bundles in the upper and lower parts of the heirloom must be the same. Make the top row "Pankaj".
In the next step make a "punk" on the bottom row. At the same time run the air loop 4 bars in the middle part of heirloom. Why pull the 2 column seam "punk." Then the working thread make an aerial loop, taking 2 column on the left side of the working thread in the middle of heirloom. Raise your working thread up and hook it over "punk" at the top of the heirloom, return again to the middle column and run the air loop, taking the 2 columns on the right. Finish the loop back to the beginning of by injecting the needle with the working thread to the left of the air loop. Tighten the thread and continue with the "punks" until the air loop. Then repeat all the steps again (Fig. 49).
Folk craftswomen came up with the patterns, trying to connect observations of nature, the imagination of the people and their fabulous performances.