You'll need
Thick linen fabric of beige color length 230 cm, width 160 cm; filament embroidery thread in 6 additions pink, light pink, dark pink, scarlet, crimson, purple, light purple, dark purple, dark swamp, light green, green, light green, dark green colors; satin ribbon width of 2 cm, length 7 m; embroidery needle; diagram of the pattern in full size; the Hoop, tracing paper; transfer paper; pencil.
Tuck the edges of linen fabric of beige color 2 times on the wrong side and hem a hidden seam. Define the center. Around him in the form of an oval mark motif, using the scheme of the pattern. At first transfer it to tracing paper. On the cloth lay the carbon paper on top of tracing paper with a pattern. Circle all the outline of the pattern with a lead pencil. Remove the tracing paper and the paper and fabric tension in the Hoop.
They use the bilateral surface with a "deck" seams stalked, pearl, wrapped, "back needle".
First and foremost, follow the flowers. Petals embroider double-sided surface with "decks". First, fill the bottom petals tight stitches. At the base of the petals of some flowers embroider dark pink thread in 6 additions, the edges complete the pink thread. Then svetlorusov thread in 4 addition, run the "deck", making stitches across the top petals. Then close the "deck" thick stitch light pink color. Each stitch is put along the petal and start from the edges to the center. Make the stitches different lengths. The next row of stitches run pink thread in 6 additions.
For sepals also make the "deck" thread, moss green 6 additions, with stitches across the circuit. Then fill in the detail of the stitches bilateral surface thread in 6 additions dark green color. Stitches run along the sepals.
For this scheme, and embroider other colors, using the lower petals dark purple and lilac thread in 6 additions, and to the upper petals of purple and pale lilac tones. Other colors run dark pink, scarlet and crimson thread in 6 additions. All sepals are complete the dark swamp thread. Last panel sepals contour seam "back needle".
Small flowers embroider wound. Pull the needle thread on the front side at the outer contour of the flower. Pierce the fabric in the direction of the stitch and without removing the needle from the tissue, obviate the end of the working thread from left to right. Pull the needle with the thread through the wound, hold the left hand turns. Tighten the thread, placing the stitch in the right direction.
Leaves complete bilateral embroidery thread in 6 additions. In the middle of the stem the leaves embroider dark green and green threads. At the ends of the twigs, the leaves make green and light green. Panel leaves a seam "back needle".
Thin branches embroider dark green thread stalked seam. The stitches lay at an angle to the contour. They should be the same length. Each next stitch, start in the middle of the previous one and the same side.
The strands run dark swamp thread in 6 additions a pearl seam. Bring the needle with the working thread on the front side and make a straight stitch up, taking a few strands. Then pull out the needle again to the front side on the left side of the 1st stitch, pass the needle under the thread from left to right and tighten the knot. Next time, withdraw the needle from the right side of the Central stitch and the same thread under the thread. We will continue to execute the stitches the same way. Place them diagonally.
At a distance of 8 cm from the edges sew a satin ribbon in the shape of a rectangle. Iron the finished embroidery from the wrong side (Fig. 67).