Curtains - top.


The excellent design of the upper edge of the curtain of the "t-shirt" complement not only the style of country music, blending ethnic interior design, but also decorate any other area of: pop-art, hi-tech and others.
The curtains of this model can be performed not only by the length of the sill (in the style of "grandma's window"), but also a gorgeous soft drape falling in vertical folds to the floor or to create exquisite volume to the draped fabric on the floor.
The complexity of this model is podkre top of pottery, the so-called "t-shirts", which also has another name - "festoon" (IX).
To fabricate these curtains is calculated the length of the curtains on the ledge with the k build on 1 : 1.5 or 1 : 2. Then calculated the number of "loops", which will keep the curtain on the ledge: l Drapes ready + k Assembly: the number of loops.



Curtains - top.

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