On lesson, children create a birthday card, practice the knitting of chains of a certain length, gluing chains on the principle of "snail".



The image of the boat, appliqué paper; yarn of different colors crochet hooks; scissors, glue, brush for glue.


Preparation for work.

Talk with the children about the holiday, which is celebrated on February 23. Advise to make a birthday card for dad or grandfather by boat to the technique of application of paper. Consider illustrations of ships, specify the names of its parts (body, cockpit...).


The lesson

Read the passage from tales of A. S. Pushkin about Tzar Saltan:

The wind on the sea walks
And drives the ship.
He runs himself in the waves
On inflated sails...



Ask the children:
• Review previously completed a card out of paper, think and answer:
• that an application can be decorated and knitted items;
• how to portray waves (chains);
• how to follow the rays of the sun (loops or chains);
• what details it is possible to completely seal the knitted chain (pipe, box).
• Link chains of black or brown yarn. The length of the chain to determine when applying it to the workpiece.
• Glue the chains on the edges of the hull and wheelhouse of the boat.
• To do the wave, linking chains of arbitrary length of blue yarn.
• To link a chain of black yarn for trumpet and red or white for the Windows.
• Stick the chain on the paper details the principle of "snail", starting from the centre.
• Tying loops for the image of smoke and rays of the sun.


In the analysis to consider pupils ' work, to offer to think where to go to travel boat.

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