

- To teach children to work in technology applications;

- To develop the ability to see the beauty and diversity of natural forms ;

- To foster a love of the beautiful.

Visual range: V. Polenov “ Butterflies”.

Literary series: M. Bogdanovich “ blue-winged butterfly”.

Equipment of the lesson: Colored paper, scissors, glue, pencils, paints, brushes, cloths.

Lesson plan:

1.Organizational moment.

2.Looking at images of moths, the reading of literary works.

3.Independent work of students. The execution of an application of a butterfly.

4.Exhibition of works. Analysis and evaluation of art creativity of pupils.

5.Summing up the lesson.

The lesson:

1.To check availability of students in the classroom, prepare the workplace and materials.

2.Talk: Applications in translation from Latin means “ attachment”, ie, create an image by fixing pieces of different materials on any basis. Different peoples application is performed for decorating clothes, shoes, household items.In Belarus, a developed folk art of paper-cut - vytinanke, application of straw,the new trend appliques - floral.

Each material has its own characteristics and require different techniques.

We are in technology application execute a portrait of a butterfly. Considering the drawings , illustrations in books. Analyze the shape , structure, butterflies, discussing the wings, the shape of the patterns on the wings.

With the help of routing determine the sequence of execution of an application.

3.Independent work .

4. Exhibition of works, Reflection.

5. Summing up the lesson.

Teaching pattern: app

Literature: N. M. Sokolnikov . Visual art and methods of teaching in elementary school. M. Publishing center of the Academy .1999.

V. S. Kuzin. Methods of teaching art 1-3классе. M. Education. 1979.

V. I. Kovalenko. Artistic design out of paper.Mn.Belarus.2005.

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