Topic: “a Decorative composition. The manufacture of masks”



Teach to generalize and consolidate the knowledge on the color of literacy, to execute decorative work in technology applications to the Association;

Educational - to develop associative and creative thinking, visual perception;

Educational - to increase the children's interest in decorative-applied creativity by incorporating them in collective creative activities.

Visuals: Cards with tasks, a plan map of the country Crossword, a clear route plan.

Equipment of the lesson: White and colored paper, paints, brushes, scissors, glue, pieces of fur, beads,salt dough, task cards, instructional maps.

Lesson plan:

1.Organizational moment.

2.The games according to route assignments.

3.Independent work and group execution mask.

4.Exhibition of works. Analysis and evaluation of art creativity of pupils.

5.Summing up the lesson.

The lesson:

1.Organizational moment

1.1.To check availability of students in the classroom, prepare the workplace and materials.

1.2.To offer to split into four teams.

2.According to the map and the route we pass all stages of the game:

1.Competition “ encryption”

You need to decipher the proverb. The winner is the one who is faster will do it.

Code:2B – 1B – 3b – 1G – 4A – 4B – 1B – 5g – 4D – 1A-2B – 3G – 2G – 1D – 2D – 3b – 4D – 5D


1 p to e from x

2 and d o e e

3 n h l t to

4 Yu R I

5 s e m m

2. And now we remember the rules of the road, which are valid even in a magical land Crossword.

1. What cars go to the red?

dad's and mom's


fire, ambulance, police.

- no one

2.Who of fairy-tale characters would have crossed the street properly?




-Winnie The Pooh

3.How do you determine, before you cross the road or not?


-Ask the driver


- “maybe”

4.Why guard the necessary staff?

-welcome friends

-to chase away the flies

-to regulate the movement

- for beauty

5.What is the rule that broke the cat out of the poem K. Chukovsky” cockroach”

-Quickly went

-Went backwards

-went to the red light

-latched on to the bus.

3. Competition Climbing Frame

We need to solve the crossword puzzle.

What is the science that studies color?

How do you call colors that are impossible to obtain by mixing other colors?

What color will the extra blue?

What color can be called achromatic?

What are some chromatic color.

4.And now it's time to relax a bit because we came to a clearing “ Game”

Is the mobile game “ Lakes and streams"

The players are in several columns with the same number of players in different parts of the room – it streams. On the signal “ Streams ran!” all run into each other in different directions( each in its column).On the signal” of the Lake!” the players stop, hold hands ,build circles the lake. Benefit those children who will build a faster round.

And now it's time for our main job. We need to apply our creative imagination and knowledge in chromatics. You need to make a portrait – mask of the inhabitant of our country Crossword. Each team its mission.

1 team – spring

2 team – winter

3 team – summer

Team 4 - winter


.Exhibition of works, analysis.Offer to share your toy ( fairy tale, proverb, story).Reflection.

Summing up the lesson.

Literature: N. M. Sokolnikov . Visual art and methods of teaching in elementary school. M. Publishing center of the Academy .1999

L. N. Mironov .Color in the visual arts.

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