The tradition of presenting Easter eggs carries symbolism of rebirth, wishes of prosperity and happiness. The most common dyed and painted Easter eggs, but in Western Europe there are examples of decorating Easter eggs with patterns of straws. Modern Belarusian artists develop this tradition. Decorative compositions that adorn the surface of eggs vary. They can be made in the form of ornaments using traditional characters, or composed of decorative elements invented by the author; you can find eggs decorated with compositions on themes of folklore, with images of birds, animals, and people. Technique of elements can be geometric, and curvilinear.
Eggs, decorated with ornamental compositions and images of mythological creatures, close to the topics of the compositions in traditional arts and are the most common.
For the manufacture of souvenir Easter eggs decorated with straw applique, apply carved wood billet elliptical shape. The dimensions of the workpiece, usually small, from 6 to 12 see the eggs, compared to other surfaces, is the need for rigid mounting of the workpiece. For this purpose you can use the small clamp in which the egg is fixed during operation.
Surface preparation and application of soils are the same as for other wooden surfaces. Traditional Easter eggs is the red color of the soil, the artisans have used other color contrasting with the color of straw.
The layout of the surface under the composition can be carried out in several main schemes. The main elements of the decor are usually located in the middle of the egg at the equator, due to the ellipsoidal shape of an egg. This area has the greatest surface area, it is well placed composition, it is convenient to consider. Some variants of a marking of the surface is shown in figure 4.78 and—For songs with different themes can use the same partitioning scheme.
Ornamental compositions, as a rule, cover the entire surface rhythmic pattern which is developed by the author of the scheme. Ornaments in the form of chains and borders can encircle the surface, creating patterns or strip patterns in the form of grids, the cells are decorated with rosettes, evenly to cover entire surface. Possible combinations of different types of ornaments (figure 4.79 a, b).
When performing the subject compositions, the surface of the eggs are in the scan as a single surface, on which the entire composition, or divided into two conditional plane along the longitudinal axis (figure 4.80 a, b). Main elements of the composition placed on the surface so that they are well visible at one position the balls and could be considered, not turning it. The rest of the surface decorated with secondary, complementary elements of the composition.
When dividing the surface into two zones: front and rear — the whole composition is placed on one half of the surface, which is defined as the front and turned to the viewer. The second part of the egg (the back) can have different designs: the composition may be a repetition of the facial, she can be an independent decor is consistent and supports the theme and motif of the main composition.
In the development of individual decorative elements coordinate their size with the size of the workpiece. The size of the elements should be such that they were convenient to pack and fix on a spherical surface.
Technology of execution of an application depends on its type. Geometric will be performed over the surface elements, cut from straw ribbon. If the décor is made in the technique of curved appliques, straw elements of the song are cut at the prepared on the basis of the sketch templates from straw layers. The finished items are glued to the surface of the egg according to the sketch and the layout.
The execution of the decoration of Easter eggs.
To complete the decoration we will need a piece of wood eggs.
The decor is made in the technique of geometric appliques. In order to develop a sketch of the decor, it is necessary to make measurements of the blank and draw an elliptical surface on graph paper.
1. The decor will have ornamental composition. Divide the painted paper surface into eight parts (figure 4.80).
2. Decor is one of the meridians develop a chain of geometric elements (figure 4.80 b). The distribution of elements along the Meridian start from the middle to the poles.
3. The second Meridian would be the basis for the development of a decorative flower. The middle of the flower coincides with the middle Meridian (figure 4.80). When performing decor in material composition will be repeated along the meridians on opposite sides of the workpiece.
5. Determine the color composition of the decoration, choose a background color and straw elements (figure 4.80 g).
6. Apply with a swab on a wooden workpiece eggs primer (see "Materials"). The primer, apply several layers and allow it to dry well.
7. Mark the surface according to the scheme (figure 4.80). The workpiece is secure in the clamp. Based on a sketch done on graph paper, determine the required size and color straw ribbon that will be needed to run the application.
8. Application of decoration start from the middle meridians, as well as developing the ornament to the poles as illustrated. When filling ornament one side of the workpiece rotate in the clamp, making available nedeklarirovanie side of the workpiece. After coating the decor of the entire surface of the workpiece to release it from the clamp.
9. On the pole, apply the decoration. Cover the surface with varnish and dry.
Eggs are placed in special, carved from a tree stand. The stand can be made of narrow braids of straw (see "Straw"), sewn into a ring, or a straw tape that you need to stick to the base and fasten into a ring.