Technology curvilinear feature of an application is the use of straw layers that subsequently cut elements are of decorative compositions. Thatch layers obtained by gluing straw tapes on a paper basis of arbitrary dimensions. Technology bonded seams similar to the technology of wysylania decking in the geometric application, with the difference that a solid Foundation replaces paper and adhesive primers replaces the glue. The base paper does not give straw to the tapes of the ability to split along the grain, and therefore of the formations it is possible to obtain flat elements of various shapes and sizes, from straight to curvilinear.
Decorative composition performed in the technique of curved appliques, themed similar decorative compositions of geometric appliques and can be of different nature and content. Ornamental compositions are based on vegetable elements and of geometrical origin. The subject compositions can be based on images of birds, animals, humans, environmental objects, including images of architectural monuments.
The authors working in this technique, opens up great possibilities and freedom in the development of decorative forms.
In the geometric application regardless of the topic of the composition is close in structure to the structure of the ornament, which cause the subordinate to a certain rhythm of geometric elements. In curved technology, the authors offer a lot of freedom in choosing forms and combinations. It allows you to create, along with the ornamental compositions of the composition, the elements of which are approaching a naturalistic image. At first glance, this simplifies work on the styling, but often the apparent simplicity leads such work in the field of decorative-applied art in the area of bad imitation of fine art.
Taken from the details detailed descriptions of perceived and identified by the eye of the artist, associates images of the real world, transferred through a material and technique, the images become decorative. The reflection beam of the setting sun, painting the half dark of a tree trunk in orange color, openwork petals, twigs and leaves in the tree crown will be the basis of decorative forms will be reviewed and seen in the originality and the primacy of their real images.
Modern decorative art curvilinear technique of an application used by the authors in the manufacture of decorative panels. It can be used to create decorative souvenir postcards, in the design of the surfaces of chests and jewelry boxes. This technique can be performed like a miniature compositions and large scale works for interior decoration.
Composition in curved of an application has the same principles, as in geometric. For example, in compositions constructed on the basis of plant facilities, the center is formed large flowers, they are consistent with the proportional size of the leaves, shoots, inflorescences of small flowers and fruits.
Species composition is determined by the intent of the author and may be freely selected from those already considered in the geometric application: symmetrical about one or two axes, symmetrical relative to the center, carpeted and asymmetric.
Symmetrical compositions are often used when creating images with floral motifs close to the traditional folk theme. The asymmetric structure have a composition of narrative character. During development, special attention is paid to the choice of topic, the development of expressive drawing.
Composition in a curved application more dynamic compared to geometric compositions. Their elements are characterized by a greater expressiveness and variety of forms.
Color combinations in a curved application, as a rule, much more complicated, and built on more subtle tonal relationships, although, as in the geometric application, is dominated by the natural color of straw. The attraction to the use of various colors in the compositions is yet another manifestation of the proximity curved appliques for depiction. The artist's task is not to cross the line that separates the understanding of decorative composition from the composition of a fine.
In the development of the composition it is necessary to consider the effects of the background. In cases where the role of the background is reduced only to the selection of contrast on its surface decorative compositions, it has a dark-colored color, highlighting the color of straw elements. However, at present masters are actively experimenting with color backgrounds, textures, materials. Not limited to solid backgrounds, use tonal stretch, use the technology of deposition of different tones, smooth transitions from a light background to a darker one, for example from light blue to dark blue. The layers are applied to the surface using a swab or airbrush from light to dark. Stretch marks to apply at least 4-5 tone transitions, depending on the size of the surface. As a background often use a combination of several materials such as fiber hardboard and cloth. The background becomes an active participant in the composition, not passively perceived on its surface, and is able to affect her, to make additional emphasis in its sound. Masters when working with backgrounds find new stylistic shades for their work, the background can fill the decorative work unique nuances.