The theme of the lesson: Relief “Rhino”, “Yak”, “bison”.

Class 4


- Expand children's ideas about terrain, learning to perform songs in the landscape, enrich the forms of shaped parts.

- To develop associative and creative thinking, visual perception;

- To educate a creative activity.

Visuals: Reproductions of works of the sculptors of the reliefs of Egypt,Assyria, the Belarusian carving.

Equipment of the lesson: Plasticine or clay, baby blankets, stacks.

The first lesson plan:

1.Organizational moment.

2.Knowledge of the composition ( vertical, horizontal formats) and features in the topography. The development sequence in the relief..

3.Independent work of students. Implementation of the sketches of the future relief.

The plan of the second lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Independent work of students. Transferring the preliminary drawing on the prepared plate, and execution of the relief.

4.Exhibition of works. Analysis and evaluation of art creativity of pupils.

5.Summing up the lesson.

The first lesson:

1.To check availability of students in the classroom, prepare the workplace and materials.

2.Conversation: Ceramic murals, done with his own hands, can beautify a living room,dining room and any other room in the house. Depending on the plot or the composition of the panels may be of any shape: rectangle, circle, oval, trapezoid,triangle, etc.

Ceramic panels are connected with the concept of “ tiles” that were used to decorate palaces and temples, and for lining furnaces. They depicted scenes of hunting and battles, the heroes of folk tales, real fantastic animals. They are used in our time for decorations in public buildings and modern apartments.

The process map shows the sequence of execution of work. The first lesson we will do a preliminary sketch.

3. Independent work of students, performance of the sketch of the relief.

The second lesson

1.To check availability of students in the classroom, prepare the workplace and materials. 2. Continuing work on ceramic composition. The sequence of operation is determined by routing.

3. Exhibition of works, Reflection.

Summing up the lesson.

Teaching pattern: app

Literature: N. M. Sokolnikov . Visual art and methods of teaching in elementary school. M. Publishing center of the Academy .1999.

V. S. Kuzin. Methods of teaching art 1-3классе. M. Education. 1979.

G. Fedotov. Obedient clay. AST Press.m 1999.

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