The theme of the lesson: “Puppy and kitten” or “ Cat with kittens”

Class: 1

Objectives: - to Teach children to consider carefully the nature;

- Refine techniques for working with plasticine or clay;

- To cultivate love for animals.

Visuals: Slides, drawings, works of small plastic animal print

Literature number: S. Mikhalkov “ Kittens”, etc.

Equipment of the lesson: Clay, netting, stacks of cloth.

Lesson plan:

1.Organizational moment.

2.A conversation about the features of the structure of animals and their characteristic movements . The development of the basic techniques of working with clay.

3.Independent work of students. The execution of the sculpture.

4.Exhibition of works. Analysis and evaluation of art creativity of pupils.

5.Summing up the lesson.

The lesson:

1.To check availability of students in the classroom, prepare the workplace and materials.

2.Discussion: In the last lesson we drew in the animal genre. But you remember that pictures of animals may be not only flat, but also three-dimensional . And to dazzle animals, too, need to know their characteristics, structure, characteristic movement.

Let us compare the elephant and the hedgehog, a cat and a snake. How do they differ? Let's play with you and think do they look like ? ( Answers of children) What are the differences in the movements of animals? That's right, the cat moves smoothly, plastic, and the elephant slowly and painfully.

And now let us remember the basic rules of modeling. The routing sequence modeling:

Kneading clay

The main form

Pulling parts from one piece

Attaching additional parts

The texture of the wool


3.Independent work .

4. Exhibition of works, Reflection.

5. Summing up the lesson

Teaching pattern: app

Literature: N. M. Sokolnikov. Visual art and methods of teaching in elementary school. M. Publishing center of the Academy .1999.

V. S. Kuzin. Methods of teaching visual arts in grade 1-3. M. Education. 1979.

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