Class 1
- To deepen the concept about the form of the subject, learning to reflect in the drawing the basic shape of the objects;
- To develop associative and creative thinking, visual perception;
- To foster an interest in painting from life.
Visual range: P. Klas. Still life. I. Khrutsky “Flowers and fruits”, still lifes Konchalovsky, Petrov-Vodkin and others.
.Literary series: Yu. Tuwim Fruit
Equipment of the lesson: White paper, soft pencils.
Lesson plan:
1.Organizational moment.
3.Talk about the shape, proportions items.( the ratio of length, height, width). Familiarity with the features of the shape of vegetables. Mastering the methods of placing images on a sheet of paper.
4.Independent work of students.
5.Exhibition of works. Analysis and evaluation of art creativity of pupils.
6.Summing up the lesson.
The lesson:
1.To check availability of students in the classroom, prepare the workplace and materials.
2.At the beginning of class the game is played. Students sort types of artwork ( painting, sculpture, graphics).In the game clarifies what is the difference between still-life and landscapes.Clarifies that the still life is composed of lifeless objects , things, fruit, vegetables.
Today we take a little trip to the garden and remember what grows there? (Responses guys).
And now let us guess what is in the basket, which stands on the table. For this you need to solve the riddle – “ No Windows, no doors, full upper room of people.” ( Cucumber) Right, And next to him in the basket settled of tomato. Look how different they are. How do they differ? ( Size, shape).
And now you a task, let's compare two of cucumber, the same shape, but different proportions. Analyze children.
Let's remember once again what vegetables and fruits we know and define their shape. (Answers)
Ask the children to compare the watermelon and tomato, cucumber and zucchini.
Today we will draw a cucumber and tomato. Let's see how we can place them on a sheet of paper.
On the Board draw a few accommodation options. Together with the children analyzed.
The Board demonstrates the basic steps of constructing a line drawing:
1. The definition of four lines with a total value of drawing on the plane.
2.Specified proportions of the subjects.
3.Details render the whole image.
3.Independent work .
4. Exhibition of works, Reflection.
5. Homework: Finish drawing for kids who failed to perform the task for the lesson.
6. Summing up the lesson.
Teaching pattern: app
.Literature: N. M. Sokolnikov . Visual art and methods of teaching in elementary school. M. Publishing center of the Academy. 1999.
V. S. Kuzin. Methods of teaching visual arts in grade 1-3. M. Education. 1979.