open lesson on art work

(manufacture of jewelry from beads)

The theme of the lesson:"Living world of beads"

Class 4B

Lesson objectives:

Training – to acquaint students with the technique of parallel beading, train technological sequence of production of insects from beads

Bringing up - to cultivate accuracy, attentiveness and love of crafts, creativity and nature.

Educational – to develop the ability to use the technological sequence, accuracy and attentiveness

Equipment: for teachers scheme, sets of the beads (wire bead), cards. Visual AIDS (the finished product of beads, cards and children's drawings of butterflies, ladybugs, crocodiles, dragonflies, etc.) for students – a set of colored paper, scissors, glue, empty boxes from toys, dry twigs. Literary series: stories and poems about the beauty of nature.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Explanation of new material. Conversation.

3. Practical work of students.

4. Summing up.

The lesson:

Welcome students. Check the readiness of people to work.

Draw the students ' attention on the pictures and drawings show the finished product.

In nature plants and insects are inextricably linked. Hard to imagine a meadow or a flower bed in the garden without butterflies, dragonflies or bees circling the flowers. Often leaning towards the flower we notice located on the leaf bug, flushes out different flies and spiders...

In the same way as plants, various types of insects can find their embodiment in beads, bugle and beads. Moreover, these crafts can be not only a complement to a variety of floral compositions, but also an independent jewelry hairstyles or costume.

- Please note the pictures hanging on the Board and postcards (postcards are distributed to children at their desks). While you are considering, I'll riddle:

One air outlines

I'm so nice.

All my velvet with its living blinking-

Only two wings.

Don't ask: where are you from?

What's the hurry?

Here at flower I easy fell

And now – breathe.

For how long, without purpose, without effort

To breathe want?

Here, now, flash will spread the wings

And fly away.


- Who is it?

Class meets:


I think you already guessed that the theme of today's lesson related to animals and insects.

- Children who know of a poem about animals or insects?

The first hand raised Anna Tokareva.

– I will tell a poem by Mikhail Shapovalov "bumblebee":

What he is good-natured,

Furry and docile,

My friend bumblebee.

Here in my palm

He rested a little,

Nice fat bumblebee.

Fly if he's on the clover,

To the South or to the North,

I'm still watching him.

And listen to insects,

Rosehip and chamomile

In the morning: "Zhu-Zhu, Zhu-Zhu!"

Thank you, Anita, we loved your poem.

- Let's try to make beaded animals and insects that are depicted on postcards.

Divide the class into three groups, hand out sets of beads and cards. Using the schemes begin to explain the technology of manufacturing the product:

For each product the manufacturer starts differently. Pay attention to the structure of the butterfly, if you take the scheme of production of butterfly and split in half, we will see that one half is like another, as if in a mirror. Further description of the manufacture of other insects there are in the cards.

The girls begin working with beads, and boys with colored paper and cardboard. During the work, the teacher helps and advises students. When ready, begins group work on subject - compositional registration of products. During work, I ask the question:

- Have the Lights turned out beautiful dragonfly. Who knows a poem about a dragonfly? Eugene Kiryanov.


- I know the poem by Mikhail Shapovalov, which is called "Dragonfly":

Dragonfly, dragonfly

Curious eyes.

Then she flies forward,

It hangs like a helicopter

Over the water blue,

Over the meadow grass,

Above the forest glade...


- All three groups turned out different and very interesting work. I think that the skills and knowledge which we learned in class today will help your future work with such interesting material as the beads.


Kulikova L. G., Korotkova L. Yu., "beaded Flowers: bouquets, panels, boutonnieres", M., ed.building SME, 1999

Vladimir Stepantsov, "April rain: poems", ed. "Detskaya Literatura", Moscow, 1986

FET, A. A., "Poems", Moscow, "Soviet Russia", 1984

Card No. 1

You'll need:

♦ beads round shape No. 11:

27 pieces red color;

9 pieces black;

♦ copper or red wire of diameter 0.3 mm, about 0.3 m.

(set included)


Manufacturer model starts with the first row consisting of five red beads. Apply the technique of parallel weaving (see scheme 1)


On the remaining ends of wire to string one black bead, place it at a distance 1-1,5 cm from the head ladybugs, folded end of the wire with the left cut and twist tightly under the bead. It turned out a bug mustache. The ends of the wire clip in any convenient way for you.

Card No. 2

You'll need:

beads round shape No. 11:
about 1 g of brown;


about 1 g of a silvery color;

♦ the bead number 10:

2 pieces yellow or green;

♦ copper or silver wire of diameter 0.2 mm is about 1.2 m.

(set included)


This dragonfly is all on one wire. The work begins with the lower torso. String onto the wire two brown beads and place them in the middle. Then on one end of the wire string two more beads and pass the second end through them towards the first, well tightening the wire. Then follow in the technique of parallel weaving the body of a dragonfly (see scheme 2) formed in the course of the wings of a silver technique:

23C 27C

(2K -18 times)-3K-4K-4K-4K-4K-4K-4K-4K-4K-

23C 27C


To run the wings after the third row of four beads are string on each end of the wire 23 beads silver color and pass the wires towards each other through the previous number (the second of four beads).

Then similarly pass through the third row and continue up to the sixth row of four beads. Here in the same way do the wings of the 27 silver beads and continue the manufacture of dragonflies on the scheme. After execution of the antennae, close the ends of the wire in any way.

Card No. 3

You'll need:

beads round shape No. 10:
approximately 1 g of yellow, beige and black;

copper wire diameter 0.3 mm-1.4 m (kit supplied)

The ORDER of EXECUTION Cut of the wire 2 is cut at 40 cm for the upper wings and cut 3 at 20 cm for the lower wings and body. First, run the two upper wing see scheme 3 :


5ж 3G 2G

4б2ж1ч2ж-3б4ж2ч1ж-2б3ж2ч-1б2ж1ч1ж-1б2 well.

In order for the wings turned out delicate, use the following technique. After the eleventh series, the wire, which is located on the inner side of the wing, string beads following the diagram but the number and the wire from an outer side of wing 5 of the beads are yellow. Then the wire pass through beads strung on a different wire, forward and tighten both ends. The same complete the remaining rows of scallops. The scallops give the butterfly wings the original form.

Lower wings perform in the technique of parallel weaving according to the scheme:

1Zh 2G-1ж3б1ж-2ж1б2ч1б1ж-2ж1б2ч1б1ж-2ж3б1ж-3G-1Zh.

The trunk is manufactured from black beads according to the scheme:

1-(2 - 3x)-1-(2 - 2)-1-2-1.

Run the antennae of a butterfly. On the wire string one black bead, the end of the wire run through her again in the same direction (the bead will be inside the wire loop) the wire tighten and cut off the unneeded end. Unicam give the desired shape. The wings attach at the locations specified in figure 3.

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