Theme: "Summer in the woods." The balance in decorative compositions



training - to generate knowledge about methods of transmission equilibrium in decorative compositions;

educational - to develop the ability, skills and imagination in the preparation of decorative compositions, achieving balance in composition, compositional thinking and creative abilities of students;

educational - to educate in students the respect for the culture of his people, spiritual and aesthetic sense, understanding and perception of the beauty of the world.

The task of the lesson:

Make a collective mural "Summer in the woods", giving balance to the decorative.

You have to choose one of the samples the preparation of the composition, or execute your creative concept. Allocate who and what are the elements of the composition cuts. After cutting the pieces, compose a song, adhering to the principle balance of the composition, i.e., all component parts of the composition should be placed in their places, where the visual weight of the elements in the left part of the composition can be equivalent to the visual weight of elements on the right side.

Materials and tools: Paper A1 size, pencil, glue, washable, scissors with curved and straight ends, colored or white paper (foil).

Literature number: St "Wynn" L. Zablotska. Wynn. Metodyczny dapaong. Persy year navchannya. Gabinskaya M. P. station "So simple" V. Gukov. poems, songs. E. Blaginina, V. Dan'ko, V. Stepanov.

Visuals: Samples of decorative compositions; table: "Balance", "delicate cutting", "Asymmetry", "the Balance. Symmetry"; a circuit performing various decorative items, Postcards, photos.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Conversation on a given topic.

3. Practical work of students.

4. Summing up.


The lesson:

1.Welcome students. Check the readiness of people to work.

2.Begin the explanation of a new material:

- From time immemorial came the custom to stick on the window cut-out paper images of the gods, spirits and heroes of folk legends, colors, etc.

"Vytinanka" means "tenderloin".


3 tanucci Chyrvony i snei papery

Juvenia patterns on vocni i Zveri.

I svazatsa ushmma, i svazatsa Urenco

On the stages, Yak sonechny sleep, Wynn

Wynn have ssyn

Rojales, nbadn

Wynn svetle

Ptushko Zona pee

IX palcic thin glazach MASCOTA,

I skin s ix - Yak Sansa note

Zdaetstsa - dihn - i Zamana Kazka

Agora Scylla Krakau caress.

Such color patterns are widely used for decoration of gifts and home decorations, household items.

History of vycinanka originates from the time when people learned to make paper. As you know the first was opened by the Chinese. With the X century expanded paper production in Western Europe, over time it became known in Belarus in many areas. In the late XIX-early XX century, the delicate paper patterns can be seen in every peasant house.

Basics of the Belarusian vycinanka are based on elements, motifs, compositions for other kinds of crafts, such as weaving, embroidery, etc. it is harmonious and simple geometric forms and ornaments of vegetative character.

In China, for example, on the eve of the spring festival (new year) women glued to the Windows of their houses with beautiful paper patterns. Bright and colorful they brighten up the house, and at night, under the light, make a window similar to the silhouette screen. They are called "window flowers".

Fishnet clippings of various peoples differ from one another. But the wizard cut adhered to today adhere to two principles of composition - symmetry and balance.

Symmetry (from Greek. the word means "harmony", "proportion") is a mirror reflection of the left part of the image to the right, relative to the axis of symmetry.

The principle of balance:

The left and right part of the composition needs to be identical in visual weight (the examples in the tables). The human eye perceives a subject (or group of objects) in nature and the image holistically. Light is perceived by the subject of small size with highly crenulated contours and light-colored surfaces. Heavy seems to be the subject of a great size with simplified contours and dark colored surfaces.

Sometimes the artist intentionally disrupts the balance, to give the composition the illusion of motion.

The balanced composition:

The balance of all the elements in the composition is determined by all elements of the visual mass.

The overall visual mass of the whole, the perceived mass of the image (the eyes). The composition should be a visual balance of all the parts of the composition left and right.

The balance is always in a symmetrical composition.

In asymmetrical compositions balance is in color, mass, and tone.

Nature is endlessly diverse and beautiful. Everything in nature is harmonious, appropriate, beautiful. Spring nature wears gentle and not too bright outfits. Juicy colors of summer, bright and joyful. Autumn beauty make up paint with a warm base tone. The romantic image of winter help to create magical patterns on the Windows of houses.

As I said, when you cut vytinanka there are traditional methods which are used also in the manufacture of flakes. Probably every one of you at home with mom for the new year tried to cut out snowflakes and decorated their Windows. But today in this lesson we will try to make a summer landscape.

And in order to create a composition of trees, grass, birds need to be able to cut these elements. We take them as the basis of our composition.

Your attention presents the scheme of implementation of the various elements that will help you when performing a song. Let's look at how the addition of paper when you are cutting delicate items. Some items you will carry on the pattern (optional).

There are several common to all types of cutting rules:

1. to copy the picture, move with the help of carbon paper mirror your chosen picture on the back (not front!) side sided coloured or self-adhesive paper. If you prefer plain white paper, then put the direct image.

2. never transfer via a blueprint, the picture of the book or art album! First copy the pattern on any translucent paper (e.g. tracing paper) or make a page on which is placed a drawing, photocopy.

3. while performing copying of works must ensure that the figure did not move. This is especially important when copying complex designs and drawings. To secure the picture use various clamps - paper clips special paper clips-holders. To apply for fastening the tack or pins is undesirable, since after they leave the holes.

4. the pattern you need to trace a finely sharpened pencil, wooden or bone needle. Be careful! It is necessary very accurately all the lines, especially curves and broken.

5. to create the snowflake pattern, you can use a ready-made template, but you can not use any samples and just cut out various geometric shapes: squares, ovals, triangles, etc.

6. to shorten and give the ornament or drawing greater accuracy is possible if to use when cutting out the principle of symmetry.

7. cutting paper (especially drawing) is easier and more convenient, if its pre-heated slightly with wax or paraffin. The latter is preferable because it does not stain or alter the color of the paper.

3.Practical work of students.

The class is divided into several groups, distributed work. The boys finished paper t – th basis to vycinanka, and the girls begin to cut trees, tree, birds, etc.

4.Exhibition of works

5.Summing up


1. Trouble is G. V., Foundations of visual literacy. Figure. Painting. Composition. -M., 1981;

2. Gabinskaya M. P., Viconga. Metodyczny dapaong persy year navchannya. - Mn., 1996;

3. Kosterin N. P. Academic drawing - M., 1980;

4. Chernysh I. V., Amazing paper. - M., 1998;

5. Shorokhov E. V., Composition. - M., 1983;
6. Encyclopedic dictionary of the young artist. - M., 1983.

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