Dimensions: diameter of big flower is 4 cm
a little flower - 3.5 cm
- for each flower 3-5 g blue and dark blue yarn;
- plastic stems with leaves;
- hook № 1,25
Big flower start of the arrow and tie the forward and reverse ranks thread in the circle of the 1st petal, join in this thread circle the pole. without nakida, as indicated in the diagram. Tie all 7 of these petals, arrange them like a fan (see photo) and secure with small stitches. The numbers in the diagram indicate the ranks of the arrow, the direction of knitting.
Little flower frog. The first circular row in the tie thread round 14 post. without nakida and end one will connect. a column in the first column without nakida.
The second row in a circle in every post. without nakida first circular row knit two post. with nakida.
The third row in a circle in every post. with stitches of the preceding circular row of one column. without nakida, single pole. with stitches, single pole. with two brides, one Pico (three balloon. loop, single post. without nakida in the upper part of the column. with two yo), single pole. with stitches, single pole. without nakida. Each circular row start with the appropriate number balloon. loops and ends will connect. column. Flowers planted on plastic stems and secure. Knit blue crochet with diagrams finished.