- blue yarn (100% cotton, 200 m/50)
- hook № 1,5
- stems for flowers
For one flower, tie a chain of 8 loops and close it in a ring connecting column. Run 1 air loop instead of a single column without nakida and knit 11 columns without nakida in the ring, lock circular series by means of connecting the first column in the air lift loop = a circular series No. 1. Then knit in the following description: each circular row start with three loops instead of one lifting column with stitches or respectively two air lift loops instead of one polostevichi with nakida. Lock circular series by means of connecting bars. If necessary, navigate to the start of the next circular series by means of connecting columns. Circular number No. 2: in each column without nakida perform a 2 column with nakida. From 3rd to 6th circular rows: * 2 column with nakida in a column with nakida preceding row, 1 air loop. repeat from *. Circular series No. 7: * 1 column with nakida in a column with nakida previous row, 2 column with nakida in the next column with nakida previous row, 2 air loop, repeat from * Circular number No. 8: * 1 polytypic with stitches in a column with nakida preceding row, 3 column with nakida in the next column with nakida preceding row, 1 polytypic with stitches in a column with nakida preceding row, 1 air loop, 1 column without nakida in the arch of 2 loops, 1 air loop, repeat from *. Perform the desired number of colors crochet, put them on the stems and secure. If necessary, use glue.