Lily flowers crochet volume Flowers Lily of the valley crochet surround - beautiful, cozy home decor item. As you know, lilies of the valley book, and tear them banned. But they look so gentle and radiate a unique aroma that many people, ignoring the law, bring at least one bunch home. To remain a law-abiding citizen and to be able to see the flowers of the Lily, tie them hook their hands.
  • cotton thread No. 8 white and color green of the woods;
  • hook № 1,25;
  • glass beads;
  • steel wire.
Lily flowers crochet volume Lily flowers crochet volume Their white thread tie a chain of 3 loops and close into a ring. The first circular row: perform 6 polytypical without nakida in the ring. The second circular number: 2 polostevichi without nakida in each of polytypical without nakida, is located underneath. Go ahead and knit 3 rows in a circle, finish the 1st round close one polostevichi without nakida and one Pico. The leaves of Lily of the valley crochet volume Lily flowers crochet volume Of yarn color forest green tie a chain of 31 air loop. First circular number: stand metal wire, knit 2 Polutov. without nakida, 2 pole. without nakida, 3 Polutov. with nakida, 3 pole. with nakida, 2 pole. with two brides, 2 pole. three brides, 2 pole. with four yo, 2 pole. three brides, 2 pole. with two brides, 3 pole. with nakida, 3 Polutov. with nakida, 2 pole. without nakida, 2 Polutov. without nakida, continue to knit the same way on the other side of the starting chain. The second circular row: bind in the same manner as the first row. Assembly of Lily of the valley On the thin metal wire string 3 yellow beads and thread the wire by placing the beads in the center of each flower, 4 flowers attach to the stem, spray with a solution of starch. Flowers do not iron. Necromante and iron sheets. Here and ready your Lily flowers crochet volume. These flowers will bloom all year round and don't require in return for nursing care.
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