This kind of polotnyanko, most often in lace, very elegant. Polotnyanko with perepevom extreme equity pairs is different from the main polotnyanko the fact that running a couple of before and after plexus intertwined with extreme equity pair perebivaetsya once that creates the openwork on the edge of polotnyanko.
Now you can add the number of pairs in polotence and run the sample on 8 pairs of bobbins, n/a №№ 10, 20, 12.
Skolok. Polotnyanko 1 cm wide with points Nacala 0.5 cm in a checkerboard pattern, as shown in figure VIII. 13 in the article Polotnyanko without Peravia pairs.
Zaplet, like in most polotnyanko, right to left, proplata all the pairs of polotnyanyi full Zapletal. Upon completion of the first row after setting the pins running perebivaetsya 3 times, and extreme equity -- once. Around the pins is formed loop. Then continue weaving, running a couple perebivaetsya once. Continuing the netting polotnyanko with other couples, woven running full Zapletal. Before extreme equity pair running perebivaetsya once, and extreme equity before plexus perebivaetsya depending on the distance between the points Nikola 2-3 times. After a full Zaplata running perebivaetsya 3 times, and the extreme equity — once. Again full zaplet and continues executing polotnyanko. Do not forget that before each equity pair extreme running "separated" one perepevom, extreme equity pairs perebivaetsya depending on the distance between the points Nikola 2-3 times (figure VIII. 16).