Lace edge 2.5 cm wide runs 10 pairs of bobbins, thread, bobbin, cotton No. 20-30. On components it consists of edges, cloves (festoon, mysock) and the lattice between them.
Skolok. Depending on the thickness of the threads is based on a complete latticed zaplet or baseplate (figure VIII.62). It can be constructed in the form of firmware Nacala points along the edge 0.5 or 0.75 cm, edge width 0,25 m. Retreating one square from the edge of the radius on three sides of a square, build a compass festoon. When the distance between the points Nicola on the edge of 0.75 and lace width 2.5 cm the radius is 1.75 cm, and the points Nacala respectively 0.5 cm — 1.5 cm it is Possible to place a clove from the edge on. The point of intersection of its radii with latticed are interior points nakola this festoon, and in relation to him is based Nacala point on the outer edge of the festoon in a checkerboard pattern.
Zaplet on 4 pins: 1 pin — 2 pairs of extreme equity and running a pair of edges, on the 2 nd pin — shared pair of edges in 3-pin — 2 pairs of the lattice and on the 4th the pin — the rest of the pairs festoon. Zaplet start from the 1st pin where its running after Zaplata with extreme equity pair (on the same pin) proplete equity pair to the 2nd pin and retained. Edge runs in Perevi, the edge is made "a couple". Further netting continue from 3rd pins, where a pair of gratings after Zaplata with its pair on the bias pin goes to the edge, but its execution is retained. Running a pair of festoon from the 4th pins full Zaplata with all the pairs in this pin goes to the connection with the second pair of grating from the 3rd pin. This pair of lattice Zaplata after running with a couple of festoon festoon comes in, it becomes equity, i.e., contributes to its extension. Running a pair of festoon continues its execution, and thereafter it connects to the following pair of lattice, which becomes equity festoon. Joining pairs of lattice continues to expand festoon, and in its narrowing of the pair leaving the festoon and go into the latticed Zaplata after running with a couple of festoon. The festoon may be made by polotnyanko, polotnyanko with perepevom extreme equity pairs mesh.