So, sea buckthorn oil, turmeric and calendula orange soap will do. The red color will give a powder of red sandalwood and ground sweet red pepper, and the brown - cinnamon, chocolate and coffee. Get grey soap from poppy and activated charcoal, and green, if you add ground dry herb and the drug extract from the leaves of eucalyptus.
In crushed form, natural fillers to change the texture of the soap, creating a marbling effect, and the whole, such as buds, petals, used for its decoration.
Lavender flowers
Even the ancient Egyptians used lavender in perfumery. Remnants of this plant were found in the sealed ballot boxes of incense in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Smell your flowers preserved for 3,000 years!
Added soap in lavender for a long time will delight you with its aroma. However, alkaline medium deprives its wonderful petals bluish-violet color, turning them into grey, so it is best to add the crushed flowers, and buds decorate the surface of the soap.
Calendula petals
Calendula has toning, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, improves the condition and color of the skin. Her petals will be a perfect decoration of soap, in crushed form will give a Golden-orange color.
Chamomile flowers
The smell of chamomile is strong, especially if it to grind. Infusion of chamomile has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antiseptic action. For decoration use soap flowers without stems.
Dried crushed parsley will give the soap a light green tint, large particles will add texture, and the leaves can be used as decoration.
Caffeine tones the skin and stimulates the destruction of fat. Using the granules of ground coffee you will not be difficult to make a scrub soap that will be fine to massage the skin, deep clean pores and exfoliate dead skin cells.
You can use dry or second brew ground coffee as well as coffee, poured hot water without boiling. Coffee beans serve as an excellent decoration for your soap.
The Council
Coffee should be ground finely maximum. Large particles when using soap will scratch the skin.
Ground cinnamon will give the soap a dark brown color and characteristic flavor. May irritate sensitive skin
Poppy (seeds)
Poppy seeds will make soap in the scrub. They can also be used for decoration, for example, strawberry or strawberry soap.
Orange zest, lemon
Grated on a fine grater will give the soap fragrance and color to citrus fruits will add texture that will act as a soft scrub. Pre-peel should be well dried.
Coconut can be used as a large scrub. In small quantities it successfully simulates snow flakes.
However, don't expect along with the shaving soap will get the smell of coconut.
It is a plant of the Cucurbitaceae family. The dried pulp of the Mature fruit of the loofah is used to make washcloths. Fill it with a piece of soap base, you get soap with a loofah inside! It would be great to massage the skin and exfoliate dead skin cells.
During maturation an internal baffle loofah become more solid. As washcloths use an external rough surface of the loofah, in this case, her age does not matter. However, we will use it on the cut, so try to choose a loofah "younger" that the fibers of her core was soft, then massage the soap will be more enjoyable.
Added to soap ground oatmeal will serve as a soft, delicate scrub. This soap is great to moisturize the skin and stimulate the renewal of its cells. Whole flakes can decorate the surface of the soap.
To get rid of insomnia, in the old hop cones filled pillows, you can "engineer" a few bumps in transparent soap. It looks very impressive. Over time around they will be a Golden halo.
A wonderful soap additive! Suitable for all skin types, especially dry and irritated. Thin seductive aroma of chocolate will give a charge of vivacity, the main ingredient of cocoa beans - flavonol - improve mental activity, and caffeine would have a beneficial effect on the skin, making it smoother and softer. Choose chocolate with a small amount of sugar and high cocoa butter content: 50%. Add to the basis of the pre-melt it or rubbed on a fine grater. Chocolate will give the soap a rich brown color. Over time, however, on the surface of the soap may be white patches. Instead of chocolate you can add cocoa powder.
Contains fructose, glucose, vitamins, trace elements, enzymes, minerals, makes the skin soft and elastic, so it is a wonderful natural addition to soap.
In addition to the beneficial properties of honey give the soap a light Golden color and a flavor enhance that by adding alcohol tincture of propolis. You can also use honey extract - cosmetic ingredient with a high nutritional and antibacterial properties.
The Council
To prevent mold, add soap only well dried natural fillers
Cosmetic clay
Long been known that the clay absorbs toxins and odors, kills bacteria. No wonder it is used not only in cosmetics but also in medicine. It has cleansing, antiseptic, stimulating and anti-inflammatory properties. Is a white clay (kaolin), pink, yellow, green, black and blue. Each species has its own specific properties and is used for different purposes. Different clay particle size, fine-Grained clay is evenly distributed in the soap base, while coarse can fully settle on the bottom of the mold, almost no color basis. Buy cosmetic clay at the pharmacy.
For decoration use soap and such, it would seem, are not appropriate natural materials such as napkins, spun wool and water-soluble paper, which can be incorporated into the soap in his message.