The motif of the pattern - two crossed columns with nakida.
The first method. The implementation of the crossed pattern of columns with nakida begins with crochet a basic chain of air loops. Then do yo, enter the hook into the third air loop main chain, to pick up the working thread and pull it through two loops on the hook; again to pick up the working thread and stretch it through both loops on the hook. Associated the first column with nakida. >To knit the column with nakida in each loop of the main chain to the end. The number of successive columns with nakida forms the edge of the knitting.
Turn the knitting right to left, to associate regional chain of two loops, do yo, enter the hook under the loop on the third column of the previous row, skipping the second nepovezane, catch the working thread, stretch loop, and knit into the loops with the hook in two steps, two together for the reception. Again do yo, enter the hook for just related column with nakida under loop conceding the second column of the previous row, catch the working thread and pull the loop a little longer than usual, then knit into the obtained three loops on the hook in two steps, two together at one time. Associated first pair of crossed columns with nakida. Again do yo, enter the hook, missing one column, under the loop on the second column, pick up the working thread and pull a loop, then purl into the loops with the hook in two steps; to do yo, enter the hook for the associated column under the loop of the missed column of the previous row, catch the working thread, stretch loop, and knit into the obtained three loops on the hook in two steps, two together for the reception. Linked with the second pair of crossed bars.
Dawasa a row, turning the knitting, link the two regional air loop, make a yo, skip one loop of the base and introduce the hook under the loop on the second column of the bottom row, to stretch the loop and received stitches on the hook, three loops in two stages, by two together for the reception. Again do yo, enter the hook under the loop of the missed column of the previous row, stretching underneath the loop of the working thread, and knit into the loop on the hook in two steps, two together for the reception. Associated first pair of cross-bars of the second row above the first pair of crossed bars of the bottom row. Continue knitting products.
The pattern of the crossed bars can be knit flat in rows or in a circle, the threads of any thickness. The pattern turns out the same on both sides of the product. Things connected this pattern, almost does not stretch and retains its shape.
The second method. The technique of knitting pattern crossed columns with nakida almost identical with the knitting of the previous pattern. So, to link the main chain, it is the edge number of columns With nakida, and above them - the first series of crossed bars . Turn the knitting, link the two regional air loop, make a yo, enter the hook under the loop on the first column of the second crossover pair of columns of the bottom row, catch the working thread and pull a loop, then purl in two of the resulting three loops on the hook, two loops together for the reception. Associated the first column with nakida. To do yo, enter the hook in this linked column under the loop on the second column of the first pair of crossed bars of the bottom row and bind column with nakida. Received a pair of crossed bars is over the gap between the two pairs of crossed bars of the previous row, i.e. the first column start with knitting a pair of crossed bars, knit on the first column of the second pair of columns of the previous row and the second column, which complements the first, and criss-cross with him, knit on the last column of the first pair of the previous row.
This pattern differs from previous ones in that the cross bars are not located one above the other and correspond through a series.