Pattern with flower begin to crochet with the main chain of air loops. To do yo, enter the hook into the third loop of the chain, catch the working thread, stretch loop, and knit into the loops with the hook in two in two together. Linked column with nakida. Knit to the end of a number of columns with nakida, column for each air loop main chain.

To turn work, bind the regional chain of two loops and tie column with nakida on the second column of the previous row.

Then associate two columns with one nakida, two columns with two brides and two columns with one nakida, for a total of six columns, conceding three columns nepovezane, under the loop of the fourth column with nakida previous row. Connected the first flower.

To make yo, skip three columns of the bottom row nepovezane and introduce the hook under the loop on the fourth column of the base, to pick up the working thread and pull the loop again to catch the working thread, and knit into the loops with the hook in two steps, two together for the reception. To associate another column with nakida on the next column of the previous row. Knit to end of row, alternating a group of six columns (two with one two with two and two with one nakida in every fourth column of the previous row with two columns with nakida in each of the fourth and fifth columns of the previous row. Finish the row with two columns with nakida.

Third row, turning the knitting, begin knitting with edge chains of the two air loops and stacked with stitches on the second column with stitches of the second row. Then tie a chain of three loops, enter the hook in the middle of the flower between columns with two yo and tie a column without nakida, again linked to a chain of three loops and two columns with nakida above the group of two columns with nakida previous row that separate the floral motifs of the pattern. Repeat until end of row, vymazyvaja a chain of three loops, a column without nakida in the middle of the flower, another chain of three loops and two columns with nakida.

In the fourth row, turning the knitting and linking regional chain of two loops, knit the column with stitches on each loop of the previous row. Fifth row, knit the second, sixth, third as seventh - as the first and fourth, and so on.

The blossom pattern is bilateral, it can be knit as a flat rows, and rows round in a circle. The geometric shape of the pattern combined with floral pattern gives the pattern a special attraction.

The second option.

Pattern with flower begin to knit with the main chain. In the first row, knit a chain of five loops, securing them on each fifth loop main chain of the column without nakida: enter the hook in the fifth loop of the main chain, to pick up the working thread and pull the loop again to catch the working thread, and knit into both stitches off the hook in one go.

In the second row, turning the knitting, tie a chain of ten loops, introduce the hook under the first chain of five loops of the previous row, catch the working thread and pull the loop again to pick up the working thread and stretch it through both loops on hook in one step, that is securing this chain of ten loops in the first chain of the first row of the column without nakida. To tie a chain of five loops, two nakida and missed one chain of previous row, enter the hook under the chain, catch the working thread, stretch loop, provatas then loops with the hook in three divided doses for two together. Bound column with two yo. To associate under the same chain even three columns with two yo, promazyvaya after the first, second and third on one air loop. Formed the band-the flower of the four columns with two yo. Again knit a chain of five loops and secured it to the column without nakida in the second chain of the previous row, another chain of five loops and a group of four columns with two yo with one air loop between them over the second chain of the previous row and so on until the end of the row.

In the third row, turning the knitting, tie a chain of ten loops and secure it to the column without nakida in the first chain of the previous row. Then tie three lines of five loops in each, and secure them to the column without nakida after each column with two yo of the previous row. Following a chain of five loops to secure the column without nakida column without nakida located between two adjacent colors. Knit to end of row, four chain of five loops, hooking the bars without nakida the first three columns between the petals of a flower, and the fourth - column without nakida between neighbouring flowers.

In the fourth row, turning the knitting, link the first chain of ten loops to secure it to the column without nakida in the first chain of the third row, and then knit to the end of the series chain of five loops, securing them to the column without nakida in the respective chains of the previous row. Column without nakida knit, inserting the hook under the chain of the previous row.

In the fifth row, turn the knitting right to left, knit a chain of ten loops, securing her to the column without nakida in the first chain of the fourth row, then tie a chain of five loops and secure it to the column without nakida in the second, located above the flower chain, miss one chain. Again tie a chain of five loops and four columns with two yo, promazyvaya after the first three bars in one air loop under the chain, located above the columns without nakida between two adjacent, connected in the second row of flowers. Connected the first flower crochet. Knit to the end of the row, fixing column without nakida one chain of five loops, skipping one chain of the previous row in the second chain, located above the flower pattern of the second row, another chain of five loops and the pattern flower crochet up of four columns with two yo, loop between bars for petals on the second chain of the previous row, which is located above the columns without nakida, tied one over the other between two adjacent colors of the second row, and so on.

The fifth row is knit and the second row, but he shifted so that his flowers are between the flowers of the second row, and not strictly on them.

Then knit two rows of chains, as in the third and fourth rows, and the eighth number of the same with the second.

Pattern flower - bilateral. They knit summer clothes: blouses, dresses, light scarves and so on.

Flower - pattern crochet a third option.

Pattern with flower begin to knit with the main chain of air loops. First, knit a column with nakida: do yo, enter the hook into the third loop of the main chain, grab the working thread, tie a loop and knit into the loops with the hook in two steps, two together for the reception. This column with nakida and two regional air loop main chain (the hook is introduced into the third loop) form the edge of the knitting.

Then tie a chain of three loops and conceding three loop main chain, to associate the following three loops three columns with nakida. To associate a chain of three loops and conceding three loop main chain, to associate the following three loops three columns without nakida (to introduce the hook into the loop of the chain, grab the working thread and pull the loop again to grab the working thread and thread it through both loops on your hook at one time). Knit to end of row, alternating a group of three columns with nakida with a group of three columns without nakida, but between them is a chain of three loops. To complete a series of three columns with nakida, a chain of three loops and two columns with nakida, which form the edge of the item.

In the second row, turn the knitting right to left, to associate regional chain of two loops and one column with nakida under the loop on the second column with nakida. Then tie a chain of three loops and three columns without nakida on the relevant columns with nakida first group of the first row, single air loop and a column with nakida under the loop of the second column without nakida first group of columns without nakida in the first row. To associate a chain of three loops and another column with stitches in the same loop as the previous column. These two columns with nakida, along with a chain of three air loops between them form a simple slingshot connected above the center of the group of three columns without nakida preceding row. To associate a single air loop, three columns without nakida on the group of three columns with nakida, another air loop and a slingshot on the second column without nakida and so on until the end of the row.

In the third row, turn the knitting right to left, to associate regional chain of two loops and a column with nakida. Then tie a chain of three loops, three columns without nakida on the first group of columns without nakida previous row, chain three air beteleme and three columns with nakida under the chain to the simple slingshot the previous row. Knit to end of row, alternating groups of columns without nakida and columns with nakida, but between them is a chain of three loops. To complete a series of two columns with nakida.

In the fourth row, turning the knitting, link the regional chain of two loops and a column with nakida on the second column with nakida. Then connect one air loop, a column with nakida under a loop on the middle column without nakida first group of such columns, a chain of three loops and another column with stitches in the same loop as the previous column. Connected simple slingshot. Next, knit air loop and three columns without nakida on the group of three columns with nakida. Continue to knit till end of row, alternating the slingshot, one air loop and a group of columns without nakida. To complete a series of two columns with nakida .

In the fifth row, turning the knitting, link the regional chain of two loops and a column with nakida on the second column with the capes, Then tie a chain of three loops, three columns with nakida under the chain first slingshot, a chain of three loops and three columns without nakida over the appropriate three columns without nakida previous row. Knit to end of row, alternating chain of three loops, the group of columns with nakida, vymazyvaja them under the chain of a slingshot, and a group of columns without nakida over a group of columns without nakida preceding row. To complete a series of two columns with nakida .

In the sixth row, turning the knitting, link the regional chain of two loops and a column with nakida. Then tie a loop aerial, three columns without nakida on the first group of columns with nakida, air loop and a simple slingshot with a chain of three loops under loop of the middle column without nakida next group of columns of the previous row. Knit to end of row, ending with two columns with nakida. Note that the slingshot knit on the related one above another group of three columns with nakida and two groups of three columns without nakida, above the middle column of the group. This range slingshot alternate group of columns without nakida, separating them one air loop.

In the next row under the chain of three loops slingshot knit group of three columns with nakida, and the group of three columns without nakida knit again, columns without nakida. These groups of columns separated by a chain of three loops.

The rows repeat: the fifth tally as the first, the sixth as the second, and so on.

Flower pattern - bilateral, lace, so knit them things for a warmer time of year.

Pattern with flower knit the fourth embodiment, since the main chain of loops in which the number of loops multiple of eight. To tie two hanging loops, do yo, enter the hook into the third loop of the chain, catch the working thread, stretch loop, and knit into the loops with the hook in two stages, in two loops for the reception. Associated the first column with nakida. To associate two columns with nakida in the next two loops of the main chain, which, together with the first column, form the first group of three columns. Skip two loops of the main chain nepovezane, and the third to associate the column with nakida. It will tilt to the right. Then tie a chain of three loops and tie the second column with stitches on the same loop main chain. The first slingshot with a chain of three loops between its columns. Knit to end of row, alternating a group of three columns with nakida with a simple slingshot, to Complete a series of three columns with nakida, and another column with stitches for the edges.

In the second row, turn the knitting right to left, to associate regional chain of three loops and tie column with nakida on the third column of the first row, average in the group of three columns with nakida. Then tie seven columns with nakida under the chain first to the simple slingshot. Knit to end of row column with nakida on the second, the middle column of each group of three columns with nakida previous row and seven columns with nakida under the chain of each sling. Finish the row after the column with nakida on the second column of the last group, another boundary column with nakida, which will meet the regional chain in the next row.

In the third row and rotate the work to link the regional chain of two loops, then two columns with nakida, the first on the second column of the previous row, and the second over the first column of the first group: shells of the seven columns with nakida. Skip two loops on the columns nepovezane, and on the next, the middle column of the group to associate the sling with a chain of three loops between its columns. Then tie a group of three consecutive columns with nakida: the first column - on the last column shell, the second column is above the column between the shells, and the third on the first column of the second shell. Knit to end of row, alternating a simple slingshot with a chain of three loops above average, the fourth column shell and a group of three columns with nakida, constructed according to the above description. To complete a series of three columns with nakida.

The following rows knit, repeating the second and third rows. Consequently, all odd rows knit as the second row and the odd - like the third row. In even-numbered rows knit, alternating between the shell and column with nakida, and in odd-numbered rows, three columns with nakida and a slingshot with a chain of three loops. Vertical shells alternate with slingshots, and groups of three columns - a column with nakida column above the middle of the group.

The pattern is bilateral; it can be knit in flat rows on front and back sides of the product, and rows round in a circle. Products from this pattern can be knit from any yarn, crochet, wool, silk, yarn, synthetic fibers and so on.

The fifth version of the pattern with the flower.

Pattern with flower begin to knit with the main chain of air loops. To make yo, make a hook in the third loop of the chain, grab the working thread and pull the loop again to seize working thread and stretch it in two loops on the hook, once again, grab the working thread and thread it through both loops on the hook. Associated the first column with nakida. Knit to the end of a number of columns with nakida, column on each loop main chain.

In the second row, turning the knitting, link the regional chain of two loops and seven consecutive columns with nakida. Then tie a chain of three loops, the column with nakida on the third column of the previous row, another chain of three loops and skipping two columns in the bottom row, bind, starting with the third, another group of seven consecutive columns with nakida, repeating until the end of the row, a group of seven columns with nakida, a chain of three loops, the column with stitches and one chain of three loops. To complete the number after the group of seven bars and one air loop column with nakida.

In the third row, turn the knitting right to left, tie a chain of three loops and one column with nakida on the first column of a group of seven columns with nakida, Then tie a chain of three loops, skip two columns, and link on the following three three columns with nakida. This group of three columns located over the middle columns of a group of seven columns with nakida previous row. After this group, knit a chain of three loops and a group of five columns without nakida: the first two under the chain in front of the column with nakida, separating the two groups of seven columns in the previous row, one on this column with nakida, and two under the chain after it. Thus, these two columns are not tied with all the chain, part of it remains free.

Again vymazat a chain of three loops and three columns with nakida in the center of the group of seven columns with nakida preceding row. Knit to end of row, alternating a group of three columns with nakida – group of five columns without nakida, with a chain of three air loops between them.

In the fourth row, turn the work, tie a chain of three loops, then three columns with nakida over a group of columns of the previous row, another chain of

three air loops and five columns without nakida on the group of five columns without nakida previous row, and so forth, that is, the number of knit as the third; the series.

In the fifth row, turn the work from right to left, knit the regional chain of two loops and seven consecutive columns with nakida, a chain of three loops, the column with nakida on the third column of the group of five columns without nakida and another chain of three loops. Again knit group of seven columns with nakida : two columns under the chain in front of a group of three columns with nakida preceding row, three columns above the columns of this group and the two columns under the chain after this group. Repeat until end of row, ending the row cell of the lattice, and in the second row.

Sixth row, turning the knitting, knit like the first row, columns with nakida, vymazyvaja after the regional chain single column under air loop of the cells of the lattice, then the bars on the columns, two columns under a chain of three loops and so on.

Vertical rows are grouped as follows: the first number coincides with 6, second - 5 next, and the third row are 4. After the sixth row continue knitting from the second row.

The pattern with the flower is bilateral, it can be knit as a flat numbers on front and back sides of the knitting, and rows round in a circle. The drawing of the pattern with a repeating flower with petals - squares allows to incorporate it in other patterns with the decoration of elements as the horizontal edge, and vertical.

Pattern with flower, as usual, begin to knit with the main chain of air loops. To carry out yo, pass the hook into the fourth chain loop, catch the working thread, pull the loop and knit into the loops with the hook in two in two together. Associated the first column with nakida, and with it the first cell of the lattice. Knit rest of row, alternating single air loop, a column with nakida at each second loop of the main chain.

After finishing a row, turn the knitting, link a chain of four loops to link the seven cells of the grid over the cells of the previous row vymazyvaja columns with nakida over columns with nakida previous row. On the eighth cell to bind under its air loop two columns with nakida and column with nakida under loop over the column with nakida. Formed a group of four columns with nakida. To link three cells of the lattice and another group of four columns with nakida. Repeat until end of row, vymazyvaja seven cells of the grid and two groups of four columns with nakida with three squares between them. To complete a series of seven cells of the grid.

In the third row, turning the knitting, bind, as in the second row, the seven cells of the grid, and then seven columns with nakida: four columns of four columns with nakida previous row and two columns under the chain the next cell in another column with nakida above the column of this cell. Then tie a loop aerial and another group of seven consecutive columns with nakida. Continue to knit till end of row, repeating the seven cells of the grid and two groups of seven consecutive columns with nakida, with one air loop between these groups in the fourth row, turn the knitting right to left, to tie the five cells of the lattice, and then seven consecutive columns with nakida over two grid cells of the previous row and three columns over these cells, and two under air loop of each cell, After this group, to associate a single air loop and skipping two columns of the previous row, tie on four columns with nakida bottom row of four columns with nakida. Again knit air loop, four column with nakida on the first four columns of a group of seven columns with nakida previous row, another air loop and starting from the last column of the same group of the bottom row, tie on two cells a new group of seven columns with nakida. Knit to the end of the row, repeating at the five cells of the lattice and group of seven columns with nakida, two of four and one of seven columns with nakida, but between these groups - one air loop.

In the fifth row, turning the knitting, bind two cells of the lattice, four successive column with stitches above the corresponding cell of the previous row, three cells of the lattice, then a group of seven consecutive columns with nakida and three cells of the lattice, the first of four columns, the second over the cell between the two groups, and the third over the second group of four columns with nakida previous row. Again knit group of seven columns with nakida, three cells of the lattice, the group of four columns with nakida, and two cells of the lattice. Knit to end of row.

In the sixth row, turning the knitting, link the regional chain of two loops of a group of ten consecutive columns with nakida, five cells of the lattice, the group of four columns with nakida and five cells of the lattice. Knit to the end of the row, repeating ten consecutive columns with nakida, five cells of the grid, four columns with nakida and five cells of the lattice. A group of four columns with nakida fit over the middle cell of the three cells between the two groups of seven columns with nakida previous row and is the middle of the flower.

Knit the seventh row, turning the knitting, starting with two cells in the grid, then knit four columns with nakida on the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth columns of the group of ten columns with nakida previous row, forming a cross that divides two of the flower. then knit the three cells of the lattice, then a group of seven consecutive columns with nakida, three cells of the lattice, a group of seven columns with nakida, three cells of the lattice, four consecutive columns with nakida, two cells of the lattice, and so on.

In the eighth row, turning the knitting, knit five cells of the lattice, seven consecutive columns with nakida, air mesh, four column with nakida, another air loop and a group of four columns with nakida, again air loop, a group of seven columns with nakida and five cells of the lattice. Repeat to end of row.

In the ninth row, turn the work, knit the seven cells of the grid, a group of seven columns with nakida, air loop, another group of seven columns with nakida, seven cells of the grid and so on.

In the tenth row, knit seven cells of the grid, four columns with nakida, three cells of the lattice and four column with nakida. These two groups of four columns with nakida knit over the four extreme columns of groups of seven columns with nakida preceding row, and in between the three cells of the lattice that are related by one over the last and the first columns of a group of seven columns and one above the cell between these groups. These three cells are on the middle line of the flower. After the second group of four columns with nakida tie seven cells of the grid. Knit to end of row.

The eleventh row of knitting bars, as the first row. So, the eleventh row knit as the first, the tenth row - like second row nine – as the third, eighth row as the fourth, seventh row - like fifth.

Continue to knit the product for the scheme.

Horizontal flower alternating with a cross and a vertical strip formed from the flowers. Pattern-bilateral, turn it on when knitting other patterns on the edge of the skirt, belt and so on.

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