- 3 flowers 10 g of bright yellow yarn;
- plastic stems with leaves;
- hook № 1,25.
Twist the thread into a ring. The first row in a circle: to replace the first pillar. with stitches on three air loop to knit in round 17 columns with nakida, finish one will connect. the third column in the air. the loop beginning. All the circular rows begin with three loops and finish the connecting column.
The second circular row two pole. with stitches in the first nine columns with nakida preceding circular row 18 of the stitches, finish one will connect. the third column in the air. the loop beginning.
The third row in a circle, one pole. with stitches in the column. with stitches of the preceding circular row, 18 column. with stitches in the arch of the preceding circular row (36 columns with nakida).
The fourth number in the circle: * one post. with stitches in the first 6 columns with nakida preceding circular row, two column. with nakida in the next post. with stitches, single pole. with nakida in the next post. with stitches, three pole. with nakida in the next post. with stitches, single pole. with nakida in the next post. with stitches, two post. with nakida in the next column with nakida, one post. with nakida in the next seven columns with nakida, repeat from * 1 time (44 column with nakida).
The fifth number in a circle, one pole. with stitches in the column. with stitches of the preceding circular row, with tie three post. with stitches in the middle of the three columns with nakida preceding circular row is made in the loop 1 of the base (48 columns with nakida).
Sixth circular number: one pole. with stitches in the column. with stitches of the preceding circular row.
The seventh number in a circle, one pole. with stitches in the column. with stitches of the preceding circular row.
Sew flowers along the inner side of a top edge as pictured, remove, arrange them on plastic stems and secure. Now you know how to crochet flower of calceolaria.
These knitted crochet flowers will stand in the window all year round and all the time, delight you with colourful, quirky flowers. And you can grow and real house calceolaria flower (annual), the main thing to provide her a suitable environment. The place should be cool, light, moist, you need to ensure regular watering. In this case, the plant for a long time will delight you with intricate exotic flowers.