Corrugated pattern start knitting with the main chain. Then do yo, enter the hook into the third air loop main chain, to pick up the working thread and stretch it across the air loop main chain and knit into the loops with the hook in two steps, two together for the reception. To link to the next air loop main chain of another column with nakida. Skip two air loop main chain and tie a column without nakida in the third loop of the chain. To associate a single air loop and tie on the same loop, on which a column without nakida, two columns with nakida. Then skip two air loop main chain and link on the third column without nakida. To relate the air loop and two column with stitches on the same loop of the chain which connected the last column without nakida. Repeat until the end of the motif, made up of columns without nakida, one air loop and two columns with nakida, connected on the same loop main chain, And a column without nakida.
Column without nakida reinforces each such group on the main chain, and the air loop is used for lifting to the height of the columns with capes, which In turn gives the surface a corrugated, a wavy shape, with identical front and reverse sides of the product. To complete a series of two columns with nakida.
In the next row, turn the knitting right to left, knit the regional chain of two loops and a column with nakida on the relevant column with nakida. Then insert your hook between the first and second columns with capes, to get it on the reverse side of the product in the second column and display on the front side of the product after the second column with nakida, catch the working thread and pull a loop, which "will encircle" the second column, again to pick up the working thread and stretch it through both loops on the hook. Connected the convex column without nakida. To associate a single air loop, make a yo, re-enter the hook between the first and second columns with nakida in the second column and bring it to the front, catching the working thread and pull a loop, then purl into the loops with the hook in two stages, in two loops together for the reception. Is associated the so-called convex column with nakida. To associate another convex column with nakida in the same second column with nakida first motif of previous row. Connected the first motif of the second row of the convex columns. Knit this row and all following rows. Convex columns make the surface of the canvas as a convex, corrugated.
This beautiful pattern knit garments for the cold season, as the painting turns thick.