250 g of yarn "iris" yellow and 50 g pink, 1 m satin ribbon in Golden color.
Hook: No. 2
Types of loops:
The air loop (VP),
Column without nakida (article W/n),
Column with nakida (V. s/n),
Column with 2 yo (V. s/2H).
Basic patterns: Knit schemes 1 and 2.
Job description:
Dial a chain of 101 V. p. + 3 V. p. lifting and knit scheme 1 - 6.5 rapport in height. At a height of 17.5 cm close to armholes on both sides for 13 loops. At a height of 27 cm for neck close Central 32 STS and on both sides 2 times for 1 n. At a height of 30 cm to finish knitting.
Dial a chain of 101 V. p. + 3 V. p. lifting and knit scheme 1 - 6.5 rapport in height. At a height of 17.5 cm close to armholes on both sides by 13 p. At a height of 23 cm close to neckline Central p. 28 and in both directions from them 3 times for 1 n. At a height of 30 cm to finish knitting.
Perform shoulder seams. On the edge of the arm openings to lift loops and knit according to scheme 1. 2,5 rapport. At a height of 5.5 cm to finish knitting.
To perform the side seams. At the bottom of the yoke to dial loop yellow thread, tie 1 p. art. b/n and close to the ring Conn. St. purl to 1 p. as follows: *art. s/2n, 1 VP*. repeat to end of row. Then knit according to scheme 2, adding in each 3rd p. in each repeat on both sides 1 tbsp. s/n of the 9th row knit pink thread.
Then 3 rows knit yellow thread, 1 row pink, 3 rows yellow, 1 row of pink. At a height of 23 cm from the edge of the yoke to finish the knitting.
The finished product moisturize and let it dry. The neck tie close to 1 tbsp. b/n and 1 row of "crayfish step." To thread the ribbon through the waist and hem sleeves.
Scheme 1
Scheme 2
Air loop
Column with nakida.