The stalk of any cereal plant, both cultural and wild-growing, divided into several parts, so-called nodes. Each such part is called a caper, or the internode. The long the crack is at the top and ends with a spike or a panicle, and a very short and very thick at the bottom, the root. At rye top caper can reach two feet in length. Solomina on this stretch is narrow, with a small snezhistosti — a gradual decrease in the thickness of the barrel to the top. Its walls are very thin, but quite durable. Therefore, the upper caper — the perfect material for any type of work. It is conventionally dated to the first grade.
Below are the second and third legs. They are much shorter than the first, the walls a bit thicker, but mostly they are used in the same way as the strips of the first grade.
The thickest legs located closer to the root, usually several times shorter than the top and middle. They have rigid walls, so often used in weaving for fabrication of frame racks, as well as those products that require parts from tubes, for example in the manufacture of hanging ornaments, pishchikov for zhaleyka and spillikins.
Dried under a canopy of straw is divided into two parts. One part is stored in the attic or in a dry place-bound in sheaves. Another part is pre-treated. Each of the straw with scissors cut off the spike or panicle, remove wrapper leaves, and then cut into individual legs by removing nodes. Sliced pranks sorted by dividing them into three parts based on the length and thickness. To part Solomin have a uniform and a rich Golden color, they stand about two to three days in the sun. This is the only way of dyeing the straw with which to act, because success requires hot and bright summer sun. To paint or, conversely, to bleach straw in other ways at any time of the year, and directly in front of the netting. Sorted straws are stored in bundles or in separate boxes.
Harvested and sorted, the straw is bleached in two cases: when you want to obtain a material having a silvery hue, and when the desire to achieve more vivid and pure colours when painting, for example aniline (i.e. synthetic) dyes.
In the bleaching of hands wear rubber gloves and try to work very carefully, so that the bleaching solution does not fall into the eyes. Bleached straw with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Straw put on the bottom of an enamel or glass dish and press with a wooden grille, and the top is also quite heavy yoke. Then straw pour hot 5-10% solution of hydrogen peroxide and kept it for about 6 hours. Bleached straw washed several times with clean water to remove the smallest particles of the bleach remaining on the surface.
Bleached straw if desired, can be painted in any color aniline PLI as vegetable dyes. Using vegetable dyes straw is colored in green, brown, brown, red and similar colors, different different degrees of saturation. Although vegetable dyes have soft, muted tones, they feature natural beauty and high lightfastness.
Straw and painted with aniline dyes, has a bright, saturated color, which enhances the iridescent Shine of the natural material. But keep in mind that unlike vegetable aniline dyes quickly fade in the light, especially the sun. So they painted products should not be put for a long time at the window or keep on otkrytomu.
Staining methods with aniline dyes listed on the package in which they are sold. And how to cook vegetable dyes, and use YUS, see ォПалитра herbs. After any staining the straw is thoroughly washed in cold water and then dried.
The steamed straw (especially the upper legs) has a fairly high plasticity, but it still can be improved if before starting the weave the straw is immersed for 2-3 hours in 2% solution of ammonia.
The softened straw thoroughly washed in clean water, wrapped in wet canvas or placed in a plastic bag. This is necessary in order that the straw does not dry out for several hours, and therefore not lose its plasticity, need to be flexible If soaked straw had failed to use during the work completely, leave it damp until the next morning should not be.
It may mildew and turn black. It is better to do hook: the rest of the straw spread out on newspaper and let it dry and soak again in the morning by filling it with hot water. But it should be borne in mind that after re-soaking the straw becomes more fragile.