Master class beaded necklace ThaisYou will need:


  • beads No. 11 dark-brown iris;
  • beads No. 15 dark-brown iris;
  • beads number 15 gold inside;
  • bead Swarovski brown size 10×20 mm;
  • pearl beads are dark brown with a diameter of 4 mm, 8 mm and 12 mm;
  • 50 brown with a dusting of Swarovski bicone 4 mm;
  • brown silk fabric


Details to copy this master class to a beaded necklace is impossible, but following our recommendations, you will easily be able to create your own unique masterpiece. The Central element of a beaded necklace consists of intertwined arcs that made "mosaic" weaving and items with cloth that are attached to braided busine crystallized. Bead start to spin according to the scheme № 1. Fasten a bead between the two rings of 4 pearl beads and beads, as shown in scheme 1A. Next, the upper part odletem scheme No. 16. The lower part odletem scheme No. 1, gradually increasing the number of beads. When he reached the middle of the beads, probllem several rows (2-4 rows depending on the forms of beads). And then reduce the number of beads or use beads of a smaller size. The beads of the last row, we pass several times and tighten the thread.



Further to braid beads Swarovski pidplates circle pearl beads and odletem them, as shown in scheme 2. Then join the elements with fabric (see master class ). Then in the last round bicone attached via tape, made by the scheme № 3 "oblique mosaic" weaving.


Master class beaded necklace Thais For small motifs odletem pearl bead on schemes № 4. Then join the elements with a cloth. In the last round odletem elements with fabric arches "mosaic" weaving attach the bicone. All the elements of a beaded necklace connect them, as shown in the photo. Bracelet performed similarly. In the end you'll have a wonderful decoration bead, made with their own hands. Master class beaded necklace (item from fabric) Master class beaded necklace ThaisWork Slobodnjak Irina
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